Media Release:
Junior Adventures Group achieves safeguarding landmark with global commitment
Download our Statement of Commitment
Junior Adventures Group has marked World Children’s Day by celebrating an important milestone in its commitment to delivering the best quality care for the children, families and communities it serves.
The leading outside school hours care (OSHC) provider today issued a Statement of Commitment to Safeguarding Children that will apply to its services and provisions in all four countries in which it operates: Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and Ireland. This statement commits the group to a uniform safeguarding policy and associated procedures that go well above regulatory requirements in each market.
A special event was held at all Junior Adventures Group services where children participated in an interactive activity in which they shared with educators their own views on safety and what contributes to a safe and welcoming OSHC environment. Educators used the opportunity to reaffirm the group’s collective promise to keep each child safe.
Gael Filippini, Group CEO said, “At Junior Adventures Group, keeping children safe and happy is our first and foremost responsibility. Our group-wide commitment to safeguarding ensures that all our services, whether they are in the UK, Ireland, New Zealand or Australia, adhere to the same high standards that aligns with parent and community expectations.”
“One of the real benefits of being a global business is that we can learn from practices in different countries and adopt what works best. This has enabled us to invest in specific programs, processes and systems which form the bedrock of our approach to safeguarding across all our sites and services.”
Melinda Crole, CEO of Junior Adventures Group Australia, said, “Our unwavering commitment to safeguarding children is deeply rooted in our belief that children have inherent rights and that we have a corresponding duty to help them realise those rights and to thrive. I’m really pleased that we are able to celebrate World Children’s Day with this statement where we re-affirm our ongoing commitment to the highest standards of safeguarding so that our children are safe and feel safe at all times.”
Vanessa Hextall, General Manager for Risk and Quality, and National Child Safety Officer said “Our Statement of Commitment provides the framework through which we as a group keep children safe at all of our services. All our team are passionate about providing children with the best experience every time founded in the knowledge that children need to feel safe to be their best self.”
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