Junior Adventures Group (JAG) People have a duty of care to children to ensure that the delivery and collection of children from the program will promote a safe and smooth transition between the education setting and home. Our policies and procedures are in place to protect children from harm and hazards, including preventing the entry of unauthorised people.
All JAG People are required to comply with the practices set out in this policy, their contract of employment and all other relevant policy and legislation.
Under the Education and Care Services National Regulations, JAG is required to have policies and procedures in place to ensure the health, safety and wellbeing of the children in care.
We are committed to the safe delivery of children to and from our service. All staff will follow JAG processes and practices to ensure that the transition into and out of our service is completed safely and that the duty of care to children in attendance at our service is met.
Team Members have a duty of care to ensure the health, safety and wellbeing of children attending the Service. The health, safety and wellbeing of children at our service are our first
priority. Our policies, procedures and continuous communication with family and Authorised Nominees ensure that children are safeguarded during delivery and collection at our service.
All staff are responsible for following policies and procedures to keep children safe and ensure that delivery and collection practices are followed. Service Leaders are responsible for ensuring that policies and procedures are followed.
We highly value and respect families’ choices about their children. We are guided by them on who is authorised to pick up their child/ren.
The transition of children to and from the Service requires particular attention, particularly given how busy it can be at certain times and the volume of people entering and exiting the Service.
The service will establish and maintain a positive relationship with the school to ensure the duty of care is upheld by all parties involved.
Safeguarding children during their delivery to, and collection from, the service premises can be enabled by collaborative partnerships with the school and clear handover processes.
Where specific arrangements have been made between the Service and the school, children may be accompanied to and from their class by a team member or school representative.
Authorised Nominees must be over the age of 18. Changes to Authorised Nominees’ details must be provided to the Service. Authorised Nominees must carry photo ID and be willing to produce it when requested by JAG People.
Authorised Nominees may be contacted where the parent or guardian has been delayed and requested to collect children by the Service closing time.
Children are permitted to leave the Service premises when:
Our Service leaders play a vital role in leading good practice at our service and are the point of call for staff and parents when an issue during delivery or collection needs to be resolved. All staff are provided with the necessary training, knowledge and ongoing team support to perform their duties effectively.
If a team member does not consider the person who has requested to pick up a child/ren from the Service to be authorised to collect the child or they are not in a fit state to take responsibility for a child/ren, they will exercise their duty of care and refuse access to the adult, retain the child at the Service and notify the child’s/children’s parents or carers. Refer to the Families Code of Conduct and our incident reporting process.
JAG People will follow JAG processes and practices to ensure that the presence and absence of children are accurately recorded daily to meet relevant legislative requirements and assist with daily program management and record keeping. Relevant information is held on the child’s file in a secure information management system and is accessible only to staff who need to access the information to perform their duties.
Court orders (including parenting orders or parenting plans) are provided to the Service and are stored with the child’s enrolment information.
Record keeping to ensure the safe delivery and collection of children and the relevant legislative requirements includes:
Many families have shared parenting arrangements. Both parents have lawful authority of their children and are consequently permitted to remove children from the Service’s care unless a Magistrates Court or Family Court make different orders prohibiting contact with the child. Prohibited Persons will not be permitted to enter the Service or pick up children from the Service. Court orders must be provided to the Service and will be stored with the child’s enrolment information.
If a court order is in place for a family, the enrolling parent or guardian must notify the Service Leader and provide a current court order. Where things change, the parent or guardian must immediately advise the Service.
If the enrolling parent or guardian wishes to grant permission for an unauthorised person to collect a child, they must provide an updated court order (where applicable) and written permission, including the day and date the child is to be collected. The child’s enrolment form must be updated to reflect the changes to the circumstances.
Where a non-enrolling parent or guardian cites an Order of the Family Court giving them lawful access to the child, the court order needs to be produced for inspection by an educator before the child is released into their custody.
If a court order exists, the educator must ensure that the child only leaves the Service with the parent/guardian or Authorised Nominee who has custody as stated in the court order.
If a team member is unsure about the circumstances, they must contact their Line Manager immediately for guidance.
JAG may provide a bus or people mover to transport children from other schools to the Service where applicable. For details relating to the transportation of children, refer to our Safe Transportation of Children Policy.
Educators authorised to drive a bus or people mover will hold a valid full driver’s licence for the class of vehicle being operated and will carry it at all times while using the vehicle. They must be over the age of 21 years. JAG has systems and processes in place to ensure that licences are current, and employment contracts require staff to notify their manager if there is a change in circumstance (e.g., loss of licence).
Risk assessments and checklists will be completed before the operation of any vehicle. In determining the required educator-to-child ratio for the transportation of children, the provisions outlined in the completed risk assessment are considered.
We understand that, from time to time, parents or guardians may be late in picking up their children. Parents and guardians are provided with a Key Service Information sheet upon enrolment. This outlines agreed information about service provision, including late fees that will apply where a parent or guardian collects their child/ren from the Service after the Service closes.
Parents, guardians, and nominees are asked to notify the Service if they are going to be late for collection time. This is of particular importance to enable staff to reassure children.
Should a parent/guardian be consistently late to collect their child/ren, the family may be asked to seek alternative care.
The late collection fee is not subject to Child Care Subsidy.
In the event a child is not collected from the Service by the Service closing time, team members will attempt to contact all authorised persons using the contact details contained in the enrolment form.
Where there is no response from the authorised persons, and the child has not been collected within 30 minutes of the Service closing, authorities will be contacted. The duty of care will be handed over to the relevant emergency services.
Once the police have been notified, team members will refer to our policies and procedures for contacting child protection authorities regarding the abandonment of a child.
Team Members ensure that supervision of children is maintained throughout the delivery and collection process. Where variance from standard arrival and departure occurs, Team Members must ensure that adequate supervision is maintained while resolving the situation. Team Members must seek guidance from their line manager immediately, or as soon as reasonably practical to ensure that proper intervention and process is effectively implemented.
Policies and practices reflect the relevant legislation, including the Child Safe Standards. JAG provides policies and procedures to support and equip people with the knowledge, skills, and awareness to keep children safe. These practices are continuously reviewed and improved to ensure up to date practices are in effect throughout the business.
Term |
Meaning |
Authorised Nominee |
A person appointed by the enrolling parent/guardian or family member to collect the child from the care of the service. This person must be fit for duty of care responsibility and identified upon arrival to the service. |
Court orders |
A court order is a parenting arrangement (parenting order) that can be enforced in a court; these orders can be either by consent or imposed by the court |
JAG people |
Any adult that governs, manages, conducts work for, or provides activities and/or services to, JAG in a paid or unpaid activity spanning all levels of the organisational structure |
Line Manager |
The persons in the direct supervisory role overseeing the work of the particular JAG person; the JAG persons escalate matters toward the person in this role, in the event of incidents and breaches |
Prohibited Person |
Any person, including a parent of a child or young person or any person who is not a party to the care proceedings, in accordance with such terms as are specified in the order, prohibited from doing anything that could be done by the parent in carrying out their parental responsibility (i.e., a parent named in court orders as having no rights to contact or parenting responsibility for the child/ren) |
Service Leader |
Anyone who oversees the Service in one of the following roles:
Shared parenting arrangement |
A custody agreement between parents in which the care of the children is essentially equal between them; details of collection times and locations and individual and shared responsibilities are contained within such agreements |
Team Member |
JAG People who work directly with children. |
Education and Care Services National Law and Regulations |
Education and Care Services National Law Act 2010 |
Education and Care Services National Regulations 2011 |
Family Law Act 1975 (Cth) (FLA) |
Other Relevant Legislation |
Regulation 86 – Notification to parents of incident, injury, trauma and illness |
Regulation 98 – Telephone or other communication equipment |
Regulation 99 – Children leaving the education and care services premises |
Regulation 157 – Access for parents |
Regulation 158 – Children’s attendance record to be kept by approved provider |
Regulation 160 – Child enrolment records to be kept by approved provider and family day care educator |
Regulation 161 – Authorisations to be kept in enrolment record |
Regulation 167 – Offence relating to protection of children from harm and hazards |
Regulation 168 – Education and care service must have policies and procedures |
Section 170 – Offence relating to unauthorised persons on education and care service premises (applies to an education and care service operating in a participating jurisdiction that has a working with children law) |
Regulation 171 – Policies and procedures to be kept available |
Regulation 172 – Notification of change to policies or procedures |
Related Policies |
Incident, Trauma, Illness and Injuries |
Transport |
Related Procedures |
02P002 Delivery and Collection of Children Procedures |
02P003 Absent and Missing Children Procedures |
02P011 Extra-Curricular Activities Procedures |
02P012 Transport Safety Procedures |
07P012 Risk Assessment Procedures |
Other |
Quality Area 2, 6: Standards 2.2, 6.1 |
OCG Guide to Child Safe Standards - https://ocg.nsw.gov.au/child-safe-scheme |
CCYP Child safe Standards - https://ccyp.vic.gov.au/child-safe-standards/ |
National Principles for Child Safe Organisations - https://childsafe.humanrights.gov.au/national-principles |
Version |
3.0 |
Change History |
Change Register |
Date Approved |
01/07/2023 |
Date Implemented |
01/07/2023 |
Document Owner |
Quality Service Department |
Document Approvers |
CEO/Approved Provider |
Next Review |
12 Months |