Sun Protection Policy

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1. Overview

1.1 Purpose 

The provision of a safe and healthy environment is vital for children and their wellbeing. This includes safeguarding against the risks of ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Junior Adventures Group (JAG) People will model and implement sun-safe practices to reduce the risk of harm.

1.2 Scope

All JAG People are required to comply with the provisions set out in this policy, their contract of employment and all other relevant policies, procedures and legislation.

1.3 Legislative Requirements 

Under the Education and Care Services National Regulations, JAG is required to have policies and procedures in place to ensure the health, safety and wellbeing of the children in care.

2. Policy Statement 

JAG is committed to providing healthy and safe practices that support sun safety and reduce the significant risk of skin cancer in later life. JAG recognises the importance of role modelling sun safety to children attending the Service.

3. Principles

3.1 Duty of Care 

Team Members have a duty of care to ensure the safety and wellbeing of children attending the Service. Although outdoor play is a vital part of the education and learning setting, our practices will minimise the overexposure of children and team members to UV radiation from the sun following the Cancer Council’s recommendations.

3.2 Promotion of Sun Safety

We actively promote the importance of protecting ourselves from the sun’s UV radiation. We provide information and share stories about sun safety and its importance. Service Leaders will keep up to date with sun safety best practice guidelines, share this knowledge with team members and apply contemporary knowledge to their practice. Information about sun safety will be available for children and families.

Team Members and JAG People will promote sun safety standards while on shift by adhering to sun safety best practice guidelines. Team Members are encouraged to wear clothes that cover the shoulders, back, stomach and tops of the arms. Midriff and singlet tops are not appropriate, and a hat must be worn when supervising an outdoor area.

3.3 Supervision

Every reasonable step will be taken to ensure that children protect themselves from the sun during outdoor play. Children will be reminded of the rules of outdoor play, which include the application of a hat, sunscreen and appropriate clothing to provide sun protection to keep them free from harm or hazard

3.4 Service Planning

Ensuring children follow sun protection procedures is factored into program planning. This includes the timing of activities and the layout of critical equipment to assure compliance with sun safety practices. Modifications to the program and activities delivered will be made where sun safety practices cannot be followed. Understanding the dangers of our environment is a critical learning element. Team Members will reinforce with children the unique characteristics of their environment, including its dangers.

Team Members and children will access the daily local sun protection times via the SunSmart widget on the school’s website, the free SunSmart app or at or

Sunscreen provided by the Service will be a minimum of 30+ sun protection factor, as determined by the Cancer Council. Sunscreen will be applied 20 minutes before outdoor play sessions. Sunscreen will be reapplied every two hours (at minimum). Water-resistant sunscreen is recommended for water-based activities.

3.5 UV Radiation Index

Sun protection is required whenever UV radiation index levels reach 3 (moderate) and above. Sun Smart identifies that Sun Protection is required throughout Australia most of the year, and to follow daily sun protection times and UV level guidance.

Up-to-date information about UV radiation is available to all JAG People. The UV radiation index can be found on the Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency website. The Service can select their location and look at the UV radiation index according to the time of day. This resource will assist team members in responding appropriately to the environment.

The Service ensures that wherever practicable, outdoor activities take place before 10 am or after 3 pm or in accordance with the daily peak UV rating for the jurisdiction in which the Service operates. Educators are advised to access up-to-date information, including daily sun protection times relating to the state or territory they are operating in.

Each Service will access the Cancer Council’s daily SunSmart UV Alert on the Service laptop, tablet or mobile phone. Educators may download the Cancer Council’s free SunSmart app to find daily sun protection times to assist in implementing this policy

3.6 Sun Protection Measures

Service Leaders must plan Service Operation with Sun Protection Measures. These should be used in all outdoor activities, during the daily local sun protection times. National SunSmart recommends the following:

Sun Protection Measures
Seek Shade
  • Management makes sure there is a sufficient number of shelters and trees providing shade in the outdoor area particularly in high-use areas.
  •  The availability of shade is considered when planning all outdoor activities .
  • Children are encouraged to choose and use available areas of shade when outside.
  • Children who do not have appropriate hats or outdoor clothing are asked to choose a shady play space or a suitable area protected from the sun.
  • Play activities will be set up in the shade and moved throughout the day to take advantage of shade patterns.
Slip or Sun-Protective Clothing
  • Children and Team Members are required to wear loose-fitting clothing thatcovers as much skin as possible. Clothing made from cool, densely woven fabric is recommended.
  •  Tops with elbow-length sleeves, higher necklines (or collars) and knee-length or longer style shorts and skirts are best. If a child is wearing a singlet top orshoestring dress, they will be asked to choose a t-shirt/shirt to wear over this before going outdoors.
  • Rash vests or t-shirts are used for outdoor swimming and water activities
Slap on a Hat
  • All children and team members are required to wear hats that protect their face, neck and ears (legionnaire, broad-brimmed or bucket style). Peak caps and visors are not considered a suitable alternative.
  • Children without a sun protective hat are provided with one where possible.
Slap on Sunscreen
  • Children provide their own SPF30 (or higher) broad-spectrum, water-resistant sunscreen and/or The service supplies SPF30 (or higher) broad-spectrum, water-resistant sunscreen for staff and children’s use.
  • Sunscreen is applied in accordance with the manufacturer’s directions (whichstate to apply at least 20 minutes before going outdoors and reapply every twohours, or more frequently if sweating or swimming).
  • Strategies are in place to remind children to apply sunscreen before going outdoors (e.g. reminder notices, sunscreen monitors, sunscreen buddies).
  • Sunscreen is stored in a cool place, out of the sun and the expiry date is monitored.
  • Families ensure sunscreen is applied prior to attending Holiday Program.
  • Cancer Council recommends usage tests before applying a new sunscreen
Slide on Sunglasses
(If practical)
  • Where practical, children are encouraged to wear close-fitting, wrap-around
    sunglasses that meet the Australian Standard 1067 (Sunglasses: Category 2, 3 or
    4) and cover as much of the eye area as possible

3.7 Dealing with Extreme Heat

High-intensity exercise in a hot environment, with the associated fluid loss and elevation of body temperature, can lead to heat stress, which is a serious health risk. Children are at greater risk than adults of heat stresses (e.g., dehydration, heat exhaustion and heat stroke) because their thermoregulation mechanisms are not fully developed. The table below outlines the actions that the Service should take according to the weather conditions.

Temperatures 30
degrees Celsius or less
  • Team Members and children will be encouraged to drink water often to remain hydrated.
  •  Team Members will be aware of the UV rating and plan outdoor activities during the morning and late afternoon.
  • Shelter and shade will be provided for everyone during service operation.
  • Team Members and children will be encouraged to wear a hat and sunscreen and remain in the shade outside
Temperatures between
31 and 37 degrees
Celsius (inclusive)
  • All of the above, in addition to the dot points below.
  • If there are outdoor-related experiences planned, staff will limit the time children spend outdoors and encourage children to choose low-energy activities in shaded areas.
  • Periods of rest and relaxation indoors will be planned to mitigate the risk of overheating.
Temperatures 38
degrees Celsius and
  • All of the above, in addition to the dot points below.
  • Team Members exercise extreme caution in planning activities.
  • Team Members and children should remain indoors and, where possible, in air-conditioning or cooler areas.
  • If an excursion is scheduled, the wellbeing and safety of those attending will be assessed to determine whether or not it is suitable to go ahead as planned.

3.8 Excursions

When planning excursions, sun protection will be included in the risk assessment for Service participation.
Service Leaders ensure appropriate sun protection measures can be accomodated on the Excursion, including shaded areas, and additional sun screen application where necessary.

3.9. Parents and Guardians

We will work with parents and guardians to promote our Sun Protection Policy and practices. This will include wearing hats and sunscreen during outdoor play.

Team Members will encourage families to ensure children bring water bottles and wear clothes that cover the shoulders, back, stomach and tops of the arms. Midriff and singlet tops are not appropriate. A hat must be brought to the Service. Parents and guardians will be encouraged to be good role models of sun-safe behaviours.

Educational materials will be available to families regarding sun protection, vitamin D, and our Sun Protection Policy, including general tips on how they can assist their child to comply with the policy.

Families are asked to advise the Service where children have allergies to sunscreen and need to access a product that is safe for them.

3.10. Record Keeping and Regulatory Compliance

On-site safety audits, incidents and complaints will be documented. This will allow us to track issues and enable changes in practice to be considered and implemented to maximise safety.

3.11. Child Safety

We safeguard children through our procedures and practices, with particular attention to their health and wellbeing. Policies and practices reflect the relevant legislation, including the National Principles for Child Safe Organistions. JAG provides polices and procedures to equip JAG people with the knowledge, skills, and awareness to keep children safe. Service Practice are continuously reviewed and improved to ensure current legislation is in effect throughout the business.

4. Key Terms 

Term Definition
JAG People Any adult that governs, manages, conducts work for or provides activities to
JAG in a paid or unpaid activity spanning all levels of the organisational
Hat Recent (2009) Cancer Council Guidelines recommend broad-brimmed hats
for adults and children. Children will be encouraged to wear a broadbrimmed hat, however it is recognised that most children will wear their
school hats.
Service Leader Anyone who oversees the Service in one of the following roles:
1. The Approved Provider; if the approved provider is an individual, in other
cases, a person with management or control of the Service
2. The Nominated Supervisor of the Service
3. A Responsible Person who has been placed in day-to-day charge of the
Service in the absence of the Nominated Supervisor.

5. References 

Education and Care Services National Law and Regulations
Education and Care Services National Law Act 2010
Education and Care Services National Regulations 2011
Children Education and Care Services National Law Act 2010
Cancer Council Sun Smart Policy
WHS Act and Regulations 2012
Guide to National Laws and Regulations
National Quality Standards for Early Childhood Education and Care and School Care
Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority
Other Relevant Legislation
Regulation 100 – Risk assessment must be conducted before excursions
Regulation 113 – Outdoor space-natural environment
Regulation 114 – Outdoor space-shade
Regulation 168 – Education and care Service must have policies and procedures
Regulation 170 – Policies and procedures to be followed
Regulation 171 – Policies and procedures to be kept available
Regulation 172 – Notification of change to policies or procedures
Related Policies
Safeguarding Children and Young People
Risk Management
Related Procedures
01P001 Programming Guidelines
01P002 Holiday Program and Pupil Free Day Planning Procedures
02IR019 Sun Protection Sun Safety Guide
02IR020 Sun Protection UV Guide
Quality Area 3, 5 & 6: Standards 3.1, 5.1, 6.1
Cancer Council of NSW protection
OCG Guide to Child Safe Standards -
CCYP Child safe Standards -
National Principles for Child Safe Organisations -




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