To ensure children are protected from the increasing reliance on information technology devices and the prevalence of digital interactions in their lives. We make conscious choices during program delivery to maximise development and social interaction. In addition, this policies aim to provide for the safety and wellbeing of all children and Junior Adventures Group (JAG) People when using devices or the internet.
All JAG People are required to comply with the provisions set out in this policy, their contract of employment and all other relevant policies, procedures and legislation.
Under the Education and Care Services National Regulations, JAG is required to have policies and procedures in place to ensure the health, safety and wellbeing of the children in care.
Junior Adventures Group recognises the use of technology and the internet is a necessary part of everyday life, shaping the way we work, and the way children learn, communicate and play. The use of technology and the internet will be governed by eSafety practices which support children and JAG People to maximise the benefits, and reduce any harm or hazards associated with digital environments. To maximise the educational benefits and achieve the learning outcomes outlined in the National Quality Framework, our planning and program delivery will minimise the use of information technology in the weekly program. JAG is committed to providing as many activities as possible that encourage face-to-face interaction and build social capital.
JAG people have a duty of care to all children attending the program and will ensure that all children are protected from inappropriate use of multimedia and electronic devices.
JAG recognises that creating a stimulating and engaging environment enhances children’s learning and development. The development of life skills and relationships can be strengthened in the Service environment by minimising access to information technology.
Children will be encouraged to:
Families are encouraged to respect JAG’s intention by ensuring expectations around the use of phones, devices and TV are clear for the children. JAG families are also encouraged to role model and promote behaviour within the JAG environment consistent with this policy.
If services or team members are issued with or have access to a device owned by JAG, it remains the property of the organisation at all times.
JAG People must ensure the safety and security of equipment by storing devices in a safe place to prevent unauthorised access, damage or theft.
Where team members are issued with or informed of a password or other information that allows access to our equipment, software, hardware, information, or data, they must ensure it is kept safe and not shared.
The use of personal devices to access JAG systems, email or data is only permitted where access to company-issued equipment is not available.
At any time, management can access internet usage, data or email should it be necessary to ensure the adherence and security of our systems, equipment and information.
The role of video, radio, TV and multimedia games is given thoughtful consideration and will not form part of the daily program. From time to time, the program may incorporate technology. However, it is not a core component of the education and care program.
Movies may be screened during some school holiday programs; they will be G and PG rated and monitored by JAG People. Parents will be informed of any movie viewing, which will be relayed through the displayed program information.
Where excursions include viewing a movie, they will be G and PG rated.
Parents can access additional information about films being scheduled on the program by visiting the Children and Media Australia media website:
All JAG People must ensure the reputation of the organisation, its employees and stakeholders are not harmed during the use of any technology or sharing platforms such as social media.
Images, videos or recordings of children, families, or Team Members in uniform are not permitted to be sent, used, posted or shared on social media platforms or other online forums.
The personal information, including names of children and families obtained during work, remain the organisation’s property, are deemed confidential and must not be shared.
Access to personal accounts, such as email, social media or other non-work-related websites, is not permitted during work hours.
JAG People must ensure when they are using social media or online platforms, their views are not seen as the views of the organisation and are not demeaning, derogatory, inflammatory, misrepresentative, harassing or discriminatory of the organisation or any employee.
JAG People are not permitted to record, video or photograph other JAG People unless prior permissions have been sought.
Photographs or videos of children must not be distributed or used in marketing materials unless prior written authorisations are sought.
Children are not permitted to photograph or video other children or JAG People unless prior communications and authorisations are sought for the purposes of the educational program.
The use of computers, phones, hand-held electronic games and PlayStation and Xbox consoles is discouraged except for:
Team Members are not permitted to access personal devices whilst children are in attendance.
In the event of an emergency, if a JAG device is not available, the use of a personal device is permitted.
Children are not permitted access to phones or other devices at any time during sessions of care.
The only exceptions to this provision is via prior arrangement between the Service Leader and families for the purposes of a programmed activity, incursion or club facilitated by the Service.
Where the use of phones or other devices is permitted, a Technology Agreement must be signed by the child and their parent/guardian. Where access is allowed, staff will carefully monitor the use of mobile phones in children’s possession. Guidelines in relation to this will be followed in accordance with school policy. Educators can provide storage for mobile phones if required.
Children will only have access to technology, devices or the internet whilst under the direct supervision of JAG Team Members.
JAG, its services, and its people cannot be held responsible for the loss, theft or damage of any devices children bring to the Service.
Where there is access to the above devices, it will be supervised by staff.
Children and visitors are not permitted to film or record anything while on site unless there is specific authorisation from the Service Leader on site.
We strongly discourage children from bringing valuables to the program; this includes electronic and technology devices. We will not be responsible or liable should they be lost while attending the program.
JAG recognises every child’s right to feel safe and supported, including when using online platforms and technology.
JAG is committed to being proactive in the prevention and protection of children from the effects of cyberbullying, image-based abuse and illegal or restricted content.
Any harmful or unlawful content or behaviour involving devices, technology or the internet will be documented in an incident report and treated in accordance with the Incident Management Policy and Procedures.
All JAG People are mandatory reporters. In accordance with the Safeguarding Children and Young People Policy, safeguarding concerns or instances of child-related misconduct must be communicated to management, the regulatory authority and state-based child protection reporting authorities.
Any conduct believed to contravene this policy may result in disciplinary action in line with our Managing for Performance Policy and Procedures.
To promote and maintain expected standards of conduct, it is important that all JAG People are able to raise a concern about the conduct of another employee freely and without intimidation.
JAG will ensure:
We safeguard children through our procedures and practices, with particular attention to del during our service. Policies and practices reflect the relevant legislation, including the Child Safe Standards. JAG provides polices and procedures to equip JAG people with the knowledge, skills, and awareness to keep children safe. Service Practice are continuously reviewed and improved to ensure current legislation is in effect throughout the business. JAG is passionate about minimising the opportunity for abuse to occur in physical and online environments.
Term |
Definition |
Children and Media Australia |
Formerly the Australian Council on Children and Media, they were renamed in March 2022 and are the peak body representing children’s interests as digital and screen media users |
Cyberbullying |
Use of the internet to be cruel to a child or young person so they feel bad or upset (e.g., sending hurtful messages or creating fake accounts in their name) |
Devices |
Laptops, desktop computers, iPads, tablets, mobile phones, internet connection devices, printers/scanners, gaming devices, projectors and other associated hardware |
Emergency |
An emergency in relation to an education and care service means an incident, situation or event where there is an imminent or severe risk to the health, safety or wellbeing of a person at the Service (e.g., fire, flood, lockdown) |
eSafety |
eSafety refers to safeguarding children, young people and adults from online harm and promoting safer online experiences |
Illegal or restricted content |
Includes material that shows or encourages child sexual abuse, terrorism or other extreme violence, as well as content that should not be accessed by children, such as sexual activity, detailed nudity or violence |
Image-based abuse |
Images or videos shared without the consent of the person pictured; usually refers to images of an intimate nature |
Information technology |
Technology involving the use of computer systems, software and networks for processing, distribution and interaction with data |
JAG Families |
Parents, carers and children related to and including children attending the program. |
Service Leader |
Anyone who oversees the Service in one of the following roles:
Team Member |
JAG People who work directly with children. |
Social capital |
The positive product of human interaction providing tangible and intangible outcomes, such as gathering information, learning a new skill, innovative ideas and creating future opportunities |
Education and Care Services National Law and Regulations |
Australian Council on Children and the Media |
Australian Government eSafety Commissioner |
Children Education and Care Services National Law Act 2010 |
Early Childhood Australia Code of Ethics (2016) |
Educational and Care Services National Regulations |
Framework for School Age Care |
Guide to the National Law and National Regulations |
National Quality Standards for Early Childhood Education and Care and School Care |
United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) |
Other Relevant Legislation |
Regulation 73 – Educational program |
Regulation 74 – Documenting of child assessments or evaluations for delivery of educational program |
Regulation 75 – Information about the educational program to be kept available |
Regulation 76 – Information about educational to be given to parents |
Regulation 84 – Awareness of child protection law |
Regulation 98 – Telephone of other communication equipment |
Regulation 122 – Educators must be working directly with children to be included in ratios |
Regulation 165 – Offence to inadequately supervise children |
Regulation 167 – Offence relating to protection of children from harm and hazards |
Regulation 168 – Education and care service must have policies and procedures |
Regulation 170 – Policies and procedures to be followed |
Regulation 171 – Policies and procedures to be kept available |
Regulation 172 – Notification of change to policies or procedures |
Regulation 181 – Confidentiality of records kept by approved provider |
Regulation 183 – Storage of records and other documents |
Online Safety Act – Cth |
Privacy Act 1988 – Cth |
Related Policies |
Employee Conduct Policy |
Media policy |
Managing for Performance Policy |
Related Procedures |
01P001 Programming Guidelines |
01P002 Holiday Program and Pupil Free Day Planning Procedures |
Other |
Quality Area 1, 5 & 6: Standards 1.1, 1.2, 5.1, 5.2, 6.1 |
Technology Agreement |
OCG Guide to Child Safety Standards |
Version |
3.0 |
Change History |
JAG Policy Change Register |
Date Approved |
01/07/2023 |
Date Implemented |
01/01/2023 |
Document Owner |
Quality Service Development |
Document Approvers |
CEO / Approved Provider |
Next Review |
6 Months |